The end of Year 8 is approaching…

Every year and everything I go through changes me as a person. This year I have been through so much, from making friends I will keep with me for the rest of my school life, to completing yet another year of school. Everything that has happened to me this year has changed me, and made me what I am today. In one week, Year 8 will be over, and it will be the holidays that I know we are all looking forward to. Sometimes it scares me to think that I am nearly in Year 9, the middle of high school. It feels like just yesterday that I stepped into the school building for the first time. Everything was so big, and so new. I was a tiny year sevener, dressed in my brand new uniform that that way too big for me. I can tell you one thing for sure; I didn’t like this new school. All my friends from my primary school weren’t with me, my teacher wasn’t here, and I was lost. Standing in the middle of  the courtyard, I looked around me and felt as if everyone else were staring at me. All alone in this huge school with very little people I knew, I felt cold. I was a shy year sevener who never said a word unless I was asked to. Everything has changed now. I have now formed a good group of friends who I feel comfortable around, and I am now used to this place which I used to describe as “cold” and “not nice”. I have grown, not only in size, but in education and confidence. I have experienced many different things that I never knew existed in primary school such as blogging, and I no longer feel that everyone is staring at me.

This year I met all my new teachers, and one of them, Mrs McLeay, decided to introduce us to blogging. If you look back to my first post, you can see that my writing has changed quite a lot since then. There is so much more to blogging that I thought there was back at the beginning of this year, and I have learnt so much from it as well. From all the support people have given me, I was encouraged to carry on blogging, and although many people will end their blogging experience when Year 8 finishes, I will continue to blog. I feel that blogging is an on-going thing, and although I may not post as often, I will want to continue doing this even though the year has ended.

I would like to thank every one of you who has been reading my blog, and commenting on it. Each comment has encouraged me to continue posting as I know there are people out there who are reading what I am writing. Thank you!