Charlotte’s Web

A story of love, a story of friendship, a story of sacrifice… Charlotte’s Web is one story that will pull the heartstrings of anyone who watches it.

For the first time these holidays, I entered the cinema to watch a movie. I chose Charlotte’s Web because it seemed to be getting some very good reviews. After watching this movie, I too agree with all the great reviews on it out there! I don’t think there was anyone in the theatre that didn’t have tears running down their cheeks while watching the movie.  

The story revolves around a terrific, radiant pig (as Charlotte describes him as) called Wilbur, who was saved by a young girl from being killed by his owner. With the determination and kindness of the girl, she gave him the opportunity to have a life. However, when she was told that she couldn’t keep Wilbur in her house anymore, she had no choice but to hand him over to her uncle, who lived just across the street from them. Wilbur’s new home was inside a barn, where he was placed next to the other barn animals. He leaped into barn life, taking every opportunity to have a bit of fun around there. He rolled in mud, introduced himself to the other animals, and became good friends with a kind spider called Charlotte. Although the other animals rejected Charlotte because of her species type, Wilbur offered his friendship to anyone, no matter what they looked like. The most unlikely pair soon became strong friends, and although the other animals described Charlotte as “ugly”, Wilbur described Charlotte by her kindness. “I think she’s beautiful” described Wilbur, as he stuck up for his friend. Some pig!

However, all the barn animals, including Charlotte, knew something that Wilbur wasn’t aware of. They all knew what happened to pigs that were kept by humans. As Wilbur soon discovered, most pigs didn’t get to see the beauty of Winter, as they were killed and eaten as pork. But Charlotte wasn’t going to let this happen to her friend. As he had stuck up for her, and offered his friendship, she too was going to return the favour, and sacrifice her own life along the way. She made a promise to Wilbur that she wasn’t going to let them kill him. “I never break my promises,” she told him in her soothing voice.

To sacrifice your own life for a friend is a very strong thing to do, and really shows how powerful friendship can get. Charlotte used her spinning web technique to create words that described Wilbur. The humans were unsure who did this, but were amazed by it, and they all praised Wilbur for it all. As Charlottes words made Wilbur win the best pig contest, they were also, at the same time, harming herself. Wibur was unaware that Charlotte was losing her energy by helping save his life until he found her huddled in a corner with her newly laid eggs beside her. Wilbur’s life had been saved, but Charlotte was very ill. She was dying.

Charlotte explained that this was what happens in life. She told Wilbur that everything she wrote in her web was what she saw in him. “Terrific, Radiant… Humble”. She was willing to do this for a friend like Wilbur.

Charlotte’s Web shows “The Circle of Life” in a story of friendship and sacrifice. “We’re born, we live a little, and we die” is what Charlotte explains to Wilbur. As one spider passes away, hundreds more are born, and are released into the world. As this story proves, friendship isn’t about the looks, or the species of an animal. It’s about love. As I think about this movie, I think about the different friendships I’ve had with people. I think about whether I’ve been used by others to gain something for themselves, and about the friendships I have with people right now. I have in counted many people who are judgmental like what was included in this movie, and only show niceness when they want to gain something from me. However, I also think about how lucky I am to have friends who care about me in a way that I would definitely describe as true friendship.

Charlotte’s Web is one movie that will appeal to all ages. Just make sure you pack your pockets with tissues before you watch it!

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