Why do we have to take our school holidays early just because of the Commonwealth Games?

The title says it all. Why do we have to take our school holidays early just because the Commonwealth Games is on? To sit around all day and watch sport? But what if you don’t want to watch sport? If they have school holidays for this event, why don’t they have them for events such as music and art? For example, when an art festival is on! There are no school holidays for this event. If we have early holidays to watch other people play sport on television, why aren’t the school holidays early for an art festival so people can go and look at the artwork?
“What’s so bad about the holidays being put forward for the Commonwealth Games?” You ask. Well, I have a list of reasons right here!
Bad things:

  • Because the term is so short, all the teachers give us a whole lot of tests to do before the end of the term. This means more homework and less time to enjoy your own stuff. Right now I’m finding that I’m getting a lot of homework and lots of tests.
  • Because the school holidays are so early, it means that we’ll have a really long term next term. School, school and more school! It will just keep on going and going without any holidays!
  • It feels that we don’t need another holiday just yet. We’ve just had 6 weeks off school!

I think that this isn’t right. What do you think?