My story

One of my hobbies, that I really like doing, is writing stories! It’s like entering a compleatly different world, where you have the power to make anything you like happen there! Here’s one of my stories that I really enjoyed writing. It would be great it if you took a read of it, and even if you leave a comment on what you thought of it!

Enjoy reading!


“Come on Dad!” I yelled from the second aisle of the supermarket, “Mum’s counting on us!”
“All right, all right,” he grumbled, putting back the video he was looking at, “I’m coming.”

Today was Saturday. For most people, Saturday meant “fun”. Going on holidays, watching movies and playing basket ball are what most kids do. Not me! I have to shop with Dad, because my mum was sick. And I warn you now, shopping is not a very nice job to do. It’s usually left for Mum to do, but because she was sick, I had to. I guess I should put it this way; it has to be done by some one, even if they love it, or they hate it.

I remembered whining to Mum at home. I was trying to get out of doing it. “Can’t it be Dad’s job?” I had said, “He’s an adult. I’m just a child.” Mum refused to let me off the hook. She knew that I hated it. I bet that’s why she made me come!
We had finally made an agreement. “You will both go,” Mum said, “Then it will be quicker.” I was pleased with this idea. All I had to do was sit in the trolley, while Dad got the food. It was as simple as that! But I was wrong, very wrong. I didn’t know that Dad was that bad at shopping. He turned it around. I’m now the one doing all the work, and he is having the time of his life, looking at all the stuff he likes.

I called Dad again. “Hurry up Dad!” I yelled. There was no answer. I turned the trolley, and headed back to the previous aisle. He wasn’t there. He had disappeared!
I pushed the trolley right down to the end of the aisle. “Watch it, boy!” snapped an old lady as I nearly collided with her.
“Sorry!” I yelled, as I whizzed around the stand of toilet paper, but my turn wasn’t sharp enough. I bumped the bottom roll, and they all came toppling down from the top.

I tried to get away before anyone else saw me. I pushed my trolley forward, but it wouldn’t budge. It was caught on something. I looked under the trolley and saw that some toilet paper had wrapped itself around the wheel. “Damn it,” I said to myself. I climbed under the trolley, and tried to unwrap it.

Suddenly, I felt a cold, dark shadow appear over my back. I slowly turned around and looked up. It was the manager, who didn’t look at all happy. “I see you’ve knocked down the pile of soft paper,” he said, grinning. I didn’t like the look of his smile. I could tell he had a cruel idea. “Please Mr,” I begged, “It wasn’t me, it was the trolley.”
“And what caused the trolley to run into a pile of toilet paper?” he said, as his thin smile widened.

I stayed silent, asking myself over and over again how I could get out of this. Suddenly, an idea popped into my little head. This idea was a classic, and was bound to work. “Hey!” I yelled, pointing at an open window, “What’s that?” He turned around to see what I was pointing at. Now was my chance. I got up and ran away as fast as my legs could carry me. “STOP THAT BOY!” he yelled, as he saw me running.

I ran to the end of aisle one, and then stopped. There was a freezer in front of me- a perfect hiding spot. I quickly opened the door. A puff of cold gas came out, and I climbed inside. The door shut automatically, and I climbed under the bottom shelf, which was empty. A packet of frozen corn bits came tumbling down from the upper shelf, narrowly missing my head. I wiped my forehead, glad that it didn’t hit me.

Then I saw the manager run past, looking for me. It was just like a game of Hide and Seek, but better. When I was sure that he had gone, I got up and tried to push the freezer door back open, but it wouldn’t move. “Oh, no!” I cried, realising what I had done. It was one of those doors which only opened from the outside. I had locked myself inside the freezer!

I moved along to the next door, and pushed it. I thought that it might be different, but it wasn’t. I tried all the doors, but it was no use. They were all one way doors, which meant that I was stuck in the freezer, forever. I sat down on the cold, hard floor and sighed. I thought that I was going die of frostbite. I was already feeling very cold. It was worse because I was only wearing a t-shirt. Suddenly, one on the doors opened at the other end. Was it the manager? Or was it someone else. Someone that could save me!

I quickly walked to the opened door, being careful not to knock any food. As I got closer, I noticed that it was the old lady, who I had nearly crashed into before. “Help me!” I yelled, “Help me, I’m in here!” The lady suddenly fell over backwards, landing in her trolley. She started to scream, and the door shut again. I could see her yelling and kicking her legs around in the air. Her trolley rolled backwards, and bumped into a shelf of popcorn bags. One of the bags burst open, and popcorn flew every where, most of it landing in her trolley.

Without notice, Dad came walking around the corner, carrying the video he had been looking at. He seemed to be looking for me. I banged on the glass freezer door, and tried to get his attention, but he didn’t see me. Then, I remembered that I had my mobile phone in my pocket. I quickly pulled it out, and rang Dad’s mobile, which he had in his pocket too. He answered it and said hello. “Dad, it’s me,” I said. “I need you to help me.”
“You need me to buy you a pea?” he asked, confused.
“No!” I yelled, “I need your help!”
Dad looked around. “Sorry, I can’t hear you,” he said, “There’s this lady who is making a lot of noise.”  
“I’M STUCK IN THE FREEZER!” I yelled, but he still couldn’t hear me. I switched off the phone, and started to cry.

The manager, who had been looking for me, suddenly came running around the corner of the aisle to see what all the yelling and screaming was about. He saw the old lady in her trolley, and helped her out. The lady was shaking, and pointing to the freezer door. “The frozen food can talk!” she said, shaking, “They told me to help them. Help them get out of the freezer.”
“Nonsense!” snapped the manager, “Food can’t talk. When was the last time you saw your doctor?” He walked away, leaving the lady in shock.

A door then opened at the other end of the freezer, and a hairy arm reached inside. I ran to the door, and found Dad, pulling out a packet of peas. “Dad!” I yelled as I climbed out the open door before it shut, “You saved me!”
“There you are Michael!” he said, hugging me, “I thought I lost you.”
“I was stuck in the freezer,” I said, “I tried to ring you, but you couldn’t hear me properly.”
“Yes, I remember that!” Dad said, “You said you wanted me to buy you a pea, so here I am. But they only come in big packets, is that OK?”
I laughed. “That’s fine, Dad,” I said, pleased that he had rescued me, “Anyway, do you want to buy that video you were looking at?”
“I was just about to ask you that!” Dad said.

I remembered that the trolley was stuck in the toilet paper, so I told Dad that I needed to get something. As he went to get the next item on the list, I headed down the aisle, to get the trolley. But on the way, I bumped into the Manager. “Ha!” he yelled, “I found you!” I gulped, knowing that I was in for something big. “I want you to stack the toilet rolls!” he said, laughing. I was very surprised.
“Glad to!” I said, walking over to where the rolls had fallen.
He quickly stopped laughing. His mouth was wide open, and he was surprised that I did it so willingly. I think that he was even a bit disappointed that I wanted to stack them. He was hoping that I wouldn’t want to do it, so he could laugh at me while I stacked them.

I picked up the first roll, and put it back onto the stand. It felt so warm, compared to the freezer. It was actually fun, stacking all of the rolls. “I could get a full time job doing this,” I said to myself. It took me a while, but I finally finished stacking them all. Then, I got the trolley, and met Dad at the end of the line. He was reading the back of the video case. “This movie is supposed to be really funny,” he said, not taking his eyes off it, “It’s about a boy who tried to run away from his Grandmother, but every thing he did went wrong. The old woman chased him everywhere, so he decided to hide in her…”
Dad began to laugh without finishing his sentence. He has such a loud voice, that his laugh kind of echoed through the shop. People started to stare at him in the line, but he didn’t care.

That story was very familiar to me. The manager had been chasing me, and I hid in the freezer, thinking that it was a good hiding spot. But it wasn’t. I’m lucky that Dad had saved me.
“Sounds like my story,” I said, not thinking, “Being chased by the…”
Dad looked at me.
“What did you say?” he asked.
“Nothing,” I lied, “I just tried to put myself in that boy’s shoes.”
“Oh, good,” Dad said, looking back at his video, “For a second then, I thought that some one had been chasing you.”
I felt a bit embarrassed. I didn’t want to tell Dad that I had knocked down a pile of toilet roles. He would tell Mum, and she would get angry.  
“What did you have to get, anyway?” asked Dad.
“The trolley,” I replied, “I left it at the end of an aisle.”

We finally reached the counter, and paid for the groceries and video. “Have a nice day!” the shopkeeper said.
“Oh, we will!” Dad yelled from the door, “As long as I have this video with me!”
“Dad,” I said, nudging him, “Don’t show off!”

Dad handed me some bags of food to carry and we walked down the steps. All of a sudden, something came bouncing down from the top step and hit Dad’s foot. It was a toilet roll, and it started to unroll. “What’s this thing doing here?” he asked.
“Haven’t got a clue,” I answered, “Maybe it fell out of someone’s bag.”
“Are you sure you don’t know?” Dad asked mysteriously.
We kept on walking down the path. I couldn’t help but grin at my wild story. I’m sure that Dad didn’t know about my little secret.

Or did he?